Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Fool's Day

This is a bittersweet day for me, this April Fool's.  For as long as I can remember this has been one of my sweet Daddy's favorite days of the year.  He would spend most of the day trying to figure out what he could do to play a prank on me for April Fool's.  All the while I was trying my hardest to think of something to get him with.  Neither of us believed anything the other one said all day long and then just about the time we would forget what day it was one of us would get the other one so good.  One of the "pranks" I remember the most, when I was in high school I gave Daddy his allergy shot each week and it always made me sooo nervous.  Well as usual, I had forgotten what day it was and was giving Daddy his shot.  Just about the time I stuck the shot in his arm, he fell down on the floor like he was having a seizure.  It absolutely scared me to death.  Then he got perfectly still.  In just a minute he opened one eye & said "APRIL FOOL'S".  I was so scared & he was so tickled because he had "gotten" me that year.  For those who don't know my Daddy it sounds a little mean, but he doesn't have a mean bone in his body & had I thought of it first I would have done it to him.  I miss those times very much but am extremely blessed to still be able to spend time with my Daddy & my Mama daily.  I love you both very much.

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