Sunday, April 8, 2012

4.8.12 Easter Sunday

Sunrise on Easter Morning.

To have a perfect end to an awesome weekend, Nikki & her family, Hal & Jerry came to Church with me this morning.  You looked so beautiful Nikki.

Hal had lots of fun hunting Easter eggs.

We also had a "EGGATA"
Unforturnately I think the bat broke before the pinata.  But fun was had by all.

Gathering the candy from the "eggata" 

Children's sermon.

More pictures to follow, but internet issues.

4.7.12 Passion Play of Jesus last days

As dark approached, we went to the Junction Amphitheater for the
Passion Play of Jesus' life.

This flag was at the very top of the hill and was beautiful as the sun set.

The pictures below are during the play.  It was so awesome to see.  All of the scenes were up on the side of the hill in the rocks.  It was a depiction of Jesus' last days on earth.  It is hard for me to even comprehend was our God had to go through to give his only Son to die on the Cross.  And we are so very BLESSED to know that Jesus gave his life so that we are all forgiven.

Marla & Elizabeth were both participants and did an awesome job.  Chuck broadcast from his radio station and after a few technical difficulties did great.

Some of the pictures are a little blurry, but it was night and the play was up on the side of the hill.  There is no way to describe it other than everyone she try to attend.

4.7.12 Cont.

We spent the afternoon watching Lee Boy rope.
Pa told him "If I felt just a little better I would heel for you".
I sure can tell Lee is all grown up, when he was still living at home he always made sure I had the camera with me and took lots of pictures at baseball or whatever sport was going on.  While he was roping he rode over by the fence and said "Mom, you can put the camera up, we don't need pictures".... but Mom's ALWAYS need more pictures.

Addison got to show me how she can ride too.  Mom said I was was just about that big when Daddy would put me on a horse, my legs would stick straight out and off we would go.  I sure hope Addsison loves horses as much as her Gram does.

Unfortunately her day didn't end so good with the horse.  She had her first, but probably not the last, fall from a horse.  But she was brave and got back on.


Addison loves flowers.  She tells me it smells soooo good.

When your mom is a hairdresser, you always have beautiful hair.....

At Lee's house this tree is in the back yard and grew with this hole in the middle.  Addison had fun hidding from me.

I couldn't take the pictures fast enough to catch her.

Beautiful rose in their backyard.

We had so much fun playing.

Lee Boy at work.


Sunrise.  WOW, we have such an AWESOME GOD

Addison is picking me flowers.

Sunset from Addison's porch.

Such a beautiful view

I have a super hard time deciding whether the sunrise or the susets are more beautiful.  Guess it really doesn't matter as both a gifts from God that we should always treasure.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


I didn't get pictures yesterday, but today was awesome for my picture journal.

This was some of God's most amazing work today.  I stopped on the side of the road again and the picture above was the sunset.  When I turned around the moon was already up.  WOW what a beautiful sight.

I was on my way to take the next picture of our billboard when I saw this one.
I just love these billboards.

Some of the advertising we are doing around San Angelo.  My new job is really exciting.
So many new things happening.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Usually I am all about the sunrise, but this was driving home from work.  It was so pretty I pulled over on the Loop and took this picture. 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Fool's Day

This is a bittersweet day for me, this April Fool's.  For as long as I can remember this has been one of my sweet Daddy's favorite days of the year.  He would spend most of the day trying to figure out what he could do to play a prank on me for April Fool's.  All the while I was trying my hardest to think of something to get him with.  Neither of us believed anything the other one said all day long and then just about the time we would forget what day it was one of us would get the other one so good.  One of the "pranks" I remember the most, when I was in high school I gave Daddy his allergy shot each week and it always made me sooo nervous.  Well as usual, I had forgotten what day it was and was giving Daddy his shot.  Just about the time I stuck the shot in his arm, he fell down on the floor like he was having a seizure.  It absolutely scared me to death.  Then he got perfectly still.  In just a minute he opened one eye & said "APRIL FOOL'S".  I was so scared & he was so tickled because he had "gotten" me that year.  For those who don't know my Daddy it sounds a little mean, but he doesn't have a mean bone in his body & had I thought of it first I would have done it to him.  I miss those times very much but am extremely blessed to still be able to spend time with my Daddy & my Mama daily.  I love you both very much.


Today is Palm Sunday.  I am so thankful for all the Blessing God has given me.  One of those blessings is my friend Sally.  She went to Church with me this morning and we had a beautiful service.

Our Church family places palms on the Cross.

It turned out beautiful.

Sally, I know you are going to be so upset with me for this picture, but just wanted to say thank you for supper and most of all for the awesome person that you are.  Thank you also for going to Church with me this morning.


Minnie in the Making...

Minnie after the baking....

Minnie all dressed up.

Happy Birthday Sadie.

This is a little away from decorating a cake, but just so funny.  Where ever I am working or whatever room I am in, Rosie gathers all her toys right beside me.  It is really fun to watch her move them from room to room.